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Europe's two new travel systems

EES and ETIAS - How they will affect your travel arrangements

All explained

EES and ETIAS - How this will affect you

There are two different and complimentary systems coming into place for travelling to Europe, and here we explain what they are and how they will affect you. The main thing is don't worry, it will be fine. Both have been delayed already, and might be delayed again until everyone is certain that it will work smoothly. As more information is available, and well before each is implemented, we will update here. And if you are ever stressed or confused about any of it, please just pick up the phone or send us an email. 


EES - The fingerprints one - Now not going to be 10 November and a soft launch when it starts

Firstly the EU is bringing in a system for automatically tracking and recording foreign people entering and exitting the Schengen Area (thats most of the other European countries, except Ireland). This is called EES. This is a biometric system where your fingerprints are recorded along with your passport details, and allows you to use the electronic passport gates without needing to get your passport stamped.

In the long run this will be a good thing as it will speed up passport control and immigration. However the first time you use it, you will have to record your fingerprints and this could cause a delay on that day. After that, your details are saved for 3 years.

Airports, ports and train stations are installing new machines and there is supposed to be an App coming, but that will just be optionally to make it easier, you will always have the option to sort everything at the airport. If this is likely to lead to delays at airport then your airline will inform you to allow longer before your flight. 


ETIAS - the online Visa Waiver Scheme - 2025 but let's see

ETIAS travel authorisation is an entry requirement for visa-exempt nationals travellling to the 30 countries which are the Schengen area countries plus a few others like Cyprus. It is valid for up to 3 years or until your passport expires. It will cost €7 online but if you are under 18 or over 70 its free, and will last 3 years. You will be able to apply either on the official website or by using the official app for your iphone or android phone. 
