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Maintenance Fees & Contract Payments - Now you can pay online

To make things easier for everyone, you can now pay  maintenance fees and contract payments online. 


All you have to do is click on this link, fill in the details and after you click PAY it brings up a secure link for you to put in your card details. Once the payment has been validated by our accounting department you should receive an email confirming it. If within a week you do not receive an email from us, please contact Sabine by email at or just click on it. 


The form itself is a generic form created for all guest payments to Porto Mare Accounts Dept, so a couple of bits of info to make it easier. You don't need to put in your telephone, country or taxpayer number (Portuguese people love putting their taxpayer number on everything) you can just leave them blank.


Maintenance fees are €414 for T1s (thats a One Bedroom), €473 for T2s, and for the select few studio owners the maintenance fee is €347.


Please put your contract numbers into the comments box so we know who is sending us money. You can pay all of your weeks together in one payment even if they are on different contracts. If you are paying contract payments and maintenance fees can you please make them different transactions as the money goes into different accounts. 


If you are with gmail, then bizarrely google will think it is helping you by telling you that your receipt is from Eden Mar. This doesn't mean you have been downgraded or overbooked, it takes this from our Postal Address and is nothing we can change but we promise you we haven't moved you!


Any questions or comments about the system, please let us know as it is brand new but we hope you like it. 


